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GoDaddy, An Overrated Stock?

The internet business has all the trappings of false advertisement. Quick riches and easy bucks. But what is not clear is the hijacking of your intellectual property by refusal to release the accounts is unheard.

Offender par excellence Godaddy.com with its new “customer care” department. Despite flashy customer-oriented software, with all the bells and whistles, since the company going public and killing the racing queens from the program, the customer service culture has deteriorated.

Hours of long waiting, bot generated responses and rude staffing cutting off the inquiries is the norm. The Indian located call center is described as the experience of Dante’s seven hells. A few exceptions of dedicated staff surrounded by authoritarian push button émigré gris, slowing the business down to hours and days. I am now on twelve (12), yes don’t laugh, 12 days waiting to get the internet Gestapo out of the gates of Guantanamo to restore my access. Its no joke I am in serious internet hell.

Waiting times, the who-cares, and Yes minister culture are eating into customer confidence. So no longer Danica Patrick or other hot gals, but more like the gray mouse, in some office in Mumbai, or wherever, slows down the growth. Despite the rally on the stock market is overrated and long-term customers abandon the brand.

Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) noted challenges in the near term, particularly from tough year-over-year comparisons in its productivity segment, where price adjustments on renewals may face resistance. Yes, resistance is an underrated word. Right now, customer grumbling can be heard throughout the globe.

Long term consumer boycott the company who has adopted a secret department called the “we care” department slows the business down to a crawl. The once expedient, frisky company has become a Wall Street global monster where procedure outranks common sense.

It seems the Indians among the Godaddy.com staff fell in love with the techno geeks of big brother watching you. Mumbai meets CIA the Lionesses getting Roti prata scan. More fiction, less reality. No one is impressed.

Morgan Stanley maintained an “equal weight” rating on the stock, citing the need for greater visibility on the pace of adoption for new products and bundling strategies to offset near-term pressures. Spot on. The company experience too much with new products but leaving the long-term bread and butter consumers in the dust.

The company has a long list, to no one’s surprise, of complaints against godaddy.com from DNS to anti-abortion campaigns or deplatforming. The company has repeatedly been hacked, first on 17 November 2021 and then on 16 February 2023 that affected up to 1.2 million of their clients, thus exposing their email addresses and phone numbers. In addition to that it had also exposed WordPress admin passwords, SSL keys and sFTP passwords. It is incredible if any company holds its consumer hostage without accountability or consumer recourse.

Regardless of if the CEO sends out some customer comment form, which by any account are going in the trash once it was sent out. It is to be seen if the market darling will overcome the Indian culture, promising a lot but delivering little.
