Home » Leaving Viking FK, Shayne Pattynama Officially Rejects Asian Club’s Offer
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Leaving Viking FK, Shayne Pattynama Officially Rejects Asian Club’s Offer

Shayne Pattynama is confirmed to be leaving Viking FK after the end of the season. He has received many offers from Asian clubs, but was officially rejected.

Norwegian media, Dagsavisen discussed the potential departure of Shayne Pattynama from the Norwegian League’s highest caste club with the title “Farewell to Shayne Pattynama” on Wednesday (1/11/2023).

The report indicates that Pattynama may not renew his contract with Viking FK which expires on December 31, 2023.

Referring to the schedule, Viking FK only has four matches remaining before closing the 2023-2024 Norwegian League.

Dagavisen also wrote, ‘Four Games to Goodbye’.

The Norwegian media reported that Shayne Pattynama had received a number of offers from foreign clubs.

Viking FK is said to be unable to match the nominal salary offered by interested clubs for the player in the left wing back position.

Interesting clubs are said to be willing to offer a salary increase of up to double what he received at Viking FK.

“It looks like I have to move on immediately,” said Pattynama as reported by Norway Postsen.

Shayne Pattynama confirmed interest from Asian and European clubs in him, but only decided on his choice after his contract with Viking FK expired.

“It is true that there has been quite a lot of interest from clubs in Asia,” said Shayne Pattynama.

“But I’m looking forward to joining a new club in Europe.”

Source : Moots Suara
