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Ukraine’s training: A challenge

Post Views: 35 Kiev (4/6 – 25)The report from The Washington Post underscores the critical issue faced by Ukrainian soldiers, where reinforcements arrive at...

Russia: Fake News Aims to Serbians

Post Views: 48 Frankfurt, Paris (14/4 – 40) Relations between Russia and NATO have reached boiling point due the recent event: the claim that Serbia and Russia...

We Are At War or is Russia At War with Us?

Post Views: 50 For the first time Putin’s spokesperson Dimitry Peskov called the “special military operations” what it really is. A War. Pundits were quick to...

The west can still save Ukraine

Post Views: 56 If European countries don’t see defeat coming, we can’t turn the wheel to avoid it I left my meeting with a senior French officer feeling that...
